Wild Nature

Site about beauty of nature

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  • Wild Nature

    Welcome in the World of Wild Nature at our site!

    It’s so many things around we’d like to know more: interesting animals, plants, impressive landscapes. You’ll introduce with exciting and unusual facts, photos, videos about various wild animals and their habitats.

    Surfing through our site you’ll know new things about great rivers & high mountains, deep canyons & other nature’s masterpieces. The vegetable world of our Planet also impresses by its variety of colors and forms, from stately baobabs to fragile snow flower. Animals living on the Earth are represented by a large amount of curious and exiting species.

    A great and magnificent nature that seems a powerful force independent from any outside power is, in reality, a balanced and delicate construction. So, unreasonable influence at any element can result into an imbalance of the whole ecological system.

    This knowledge helps humans to understand better the world of wild nature that surrounds us. We’ll understand better the mankind’s influence at the Planet and what forces are necessary to preserve this magic world which name is Wild Nature.

    Animal world

    Wild Nature

    MammalsMammals Australia




















    FishFishNorth America

    North America




    InsectsInsectsSouth America

    South America




    ArachnidsArachnidsAtlantic Ocean

    Atlantic Ocean




    CrustaceansCrustaceansIndian Ocean

    Indian Ocean




    ProtozoaProtozoaArctic Ocean

    Arctic Ocean




    PlantsPlantsPacific Ocean

    Pacific Ocean